Bark beetle is a global problem for the timber and woodworking industries. Every year, thousands of cubic meters of wood rot in the warehouses of woodworking factories.
Beamcomplex produces complexes with accelerated electron technology for processing wood containing mold, fungus, insect pests. Due to the destruction of the DNA of beetles and their larvae, the tree retains all its quality characteristics and can be sold in 100% volume.
The use of accelerated electron and X-ray technology is the most effective for processing:
- timber
- wood logs
- wood bars
- wood chips

The complexes are readymade products and have been designed to be installed on territories of:
- woodworking enterprises
- factories for the manufacture of furniture and other wood products
Technology Benefits
  • complete elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and pests
    incl. those that gas treatment cannot destroy
  • processing products with ionizing radiation is an environmentally friendly technology
    that does not use chemicals, but only electricity. There is no residual radiation after processing.
  • possibility of independent power supply
    using mobile power sources